
Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Scope and importance of Biochemistry.

Biochemistry refers to the study of the various chemical processes that goes on inside the body of a living organism. A large number of students are opting for this branch of study because of the wide range of job opportunities that this subject presents.

Students can obtain PhD, M.Sc. and even degree certificates in this subject to get a successful career in Biochemistry. The students who have high marks in Plus II level and had Physics, Chemistry and Biology as their optional subjects can go for a degree course in Biochemistry.

A large number of colleges in India offer a B.Sc. degree in Biochemistry. The students who opt for Biochemistry as their main subject can choose subjects like Chemistry, Botany, Zoology and Industrial Microbiology as the subsidiary subjects. Some of the colleges even allow their students to study Biotechnology as the main subject and Biochemistry as the subsidiary subject. The students who have Zoology or Botany as their main subject can also select Biochemistry as their subsidiary subject for a course of B.Sc. degree.

The students can also go for a course in Biochemistry for their M.Sc., M.Phil or Ph.D. degree. The students who score high marks in their B.Sc. degree course in Biochemistry, Zoology, Botany, Biotechnology, etc. can opt for a M.Sc. in Biochemistry and only the students who score greater than 55% in their M.Sc. course can go for an M.Phil or Ph.D. programs that are offered at a limited number of colleges.

There are vast employment opportunities for the students of Biochemistry as they can be absorbed in a number of Research Institutions. They can also work as faculty in the colleges that offer a course in Biochemistry. The students of Biochemistry can also work as Scientists, research officers, research associates, chemical examiners, etc.Scope and importance of Biochemistry.

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